High Card Flush is a suits based game where the objective is to obtain multiple cards in the same suit (Flush).
The player and dealer each receive a 7 card hand. The player creates the best possible flush to play against the house. Always take into account the following rules:
The more cards the better – a 4-card flush always beats a 3-card flush regardless of the card values in the hand. So a 10 high 4-card flush is better than an Ace high 3 card flush.
If 2 flushes have the same number of cards, the one with the highest card value is superior. The highest ranking 3-card flush is Ace-King-Queen. The second highest ranking 3-card flush is Ace-King-Jack.
Straights don’t improve the value of a flush. Ace-Ten-Five is better than King-Queen-Jack. Hence the name High Card Flush.
Dealer must have a 9 High 3 Card flush to qualify.
Also Offered: Flush Bonus and Straight Flush Bonus
Straight Flush Bonus Pays
7 Card Straight Flush……… 500
6 Card Straight Flush ……..…..200
5 Card Straight Flush ………….100
4 Card Straight Flush ……….…..50
3 Card Straight Flush ……….….…9
Flush Bonus Pays
7 Card Flush………… 100
6 Card Flush …………… 20
5 Card Flush……………… 10
4 Card Flush…………………2
All bonus payouts are “to 1”.